
Can I Lay On My Stomach Postpartum

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! As a new mom, you may have many questions about what is safe and appropriate during your postpartum recovery. One common question that often arises is whether it is safe to lay on your stomach after giving birth.

Is It Safe to Lay On Your Stomach Postpartum?

Laying on your stomach after childbirth is generally not recommended during the early stages of postpartum recovery. Your body has undergone significant changes during pregnancy and childbirth, and it takes time for your muscles and organs to return to their pre-pregnancy state.

Here are some important considerations:

  • Healing of the Abdominal Muscles : The abdominal muscles, which have been stretched and separated during pregnancy, need time to heal and regain their strength. Laying on your stomach can put unnecessary pressure on these muscles, hindering the healing process.

  • Uterine Healing : After giving birth, your uterus undergoes involution, which is the process of returning to its pre-pregnancy size. Laying on your stomach can potentially disrupt this process and delay the healing of your uterus.

  • Breastfeeding Comfort : If you are breastfeeding, laying on your stomach may not be comfortable or practical. Finding a comfortable position for breastfeeding is crucial for both you and your baby.

When Can I Start Laying On My Stomach?

While it is generally recommended to avoid laying on your stomach during the early postpartum period, you can gradually reintroduce stomach sleeping once your body has had sufficient time to heal. It is important to listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your sleeping position.

Here are some signs that indicate you may be ready to start laying on your stomach:

  • Decreased Pain and Discomfort : If you no longer experience pain or discomfort in your abdominal area, it may be a sign that your muscles have healed sufficiently.

  • Improved Core Strength : As your abdominal muscles regain their strength, you may feel more comfortable and supported when laying on your stomach.

  • Clearance from Your Healthcare Provider : Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your postpartum routine, including your sleeping position.

Tips for Laying On Your Stomach Postpartum

If you have received clearance from your healthcare provider and feel ready to start laying on your stomach, here are some tips to ensure comfort and safety:

  • Use a Supportive Pillow : Place a pillow under your hips to provide support and alleviate pressure on your abdomen.
  • Start Gradually : Begin by spending short periods of time laying on your stomach and gradually increase the duration as your body adjusts.
  • Listen to Your Body : If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop laying on your stomach and try again at a later time.
  • Consider Alternatives : If laying on your stomach is still uncomfortable or not recommended for you, try alternative sleeping positions such as side-lying or using a pregnancy pillow for support.
  • FAQs

    Q: Can laying on my stomach affect my C-section incision?

    A: Laying on your stomach can potentially put pressure on your C-section incision, which may cause discomfort or delay healing. It is best to avoid laying on your stomach until your incision has fully healed and you have received clearance from your healthcare provider.

    Q: How long does it take for the abdominal muscles to heal after childbirth?

    A: The healing process for the abdominal muscles can vary from person to person. It generally takes several weeks to a few months for the muscles to regain their strength and for any separation to close. It is important to listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

    Q: Can I use a pregnancy pillow for support when laying on my stomach postpartum?

    A: Yes, using a pregnancy pillow for support can help alleviate pressure on your abdomen and provide added comfort when laying on your stomach. Make sure to choose a pillow that is designed for postpartum use and provides adequate support.


    Laying on your stomach postpartum is a topic that many new moms are curious about. While it is generally recommended to avoid stomach sleeping during the early stages of postpartum recovery, you can gradually reintroduce this sleeping position once your body has had sufficient time to heal. Always listen to your body, consult with your healthcare provider, and prioritize your comfort and safety. Remember, every postpartum journey is unique, so it's important to find what works best for you.

    If you have any concerns or questions about your postpartum recovery, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support.

    Now that you have a better understanding of laying on your stomach postpartum, you can make informed decisions that contribute to your overall well-being and recovery.



    Almeda Bohannan

    Update: 2024-05-03