
Mariah Carey Blasts NFL Over Commercial In Super Bowl

Amidst numerous comedy-heavy commercials that aired during Super Bowl LV, the NFL opted for a TV spot reminding viewers of its "Inspire Change" initiative. "Inspire Change," per the NFL's official website, focuses on partnering with "team owners, public officials, [and] law enforcement" among others to "identify meaningful ways to strengthen local communities and the greater society." In June 2020, according to the New York Post, the social justice awareness campaign pledged a whopping $250 million over the course of 10 years to take down systematic racism. The NFL commercial features a highlight reel of smiling, diverse employees and such platitudinous ad copy as, "Let's choose to be for one another."

With the ad (and the overall "Inspire Change" pledge)'s main source of inspiration clearly being Colin Kaepernick and his 2016 protests, singer Mariah Carey did not miss the opportunity to mock the NFL for its debatably heavy-handed message. "Happy Colin Kaepernick Appreciation Day!" Carey tweeted during the game.

Among the users agreeing with the singer, one tweeted an observation of the double standard between Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady's controversial support of former President Donald Trump and Kaepernick's own political stances. "Funny how we're all supposed to forget Tom Brady's politics but not Kap's," the tweet read. Well, here's hoping, at least, the pledged $250 million will make some headway for positive social change.


Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-02